Something I find really essential to keep within my handbag is deodorant. Particularly in summer when the hotter weather is coming in it is always great when you are out and about to be able to give yourself a little freshen up when and if need be. This deodorant I find is particularly great with my asthma and causes no issues.
I make sure I never leave the house without my purse as this contains all my essentials for daily life (my money, bank cards, medic alert card etc.) I know I would not be able to survive a trip out of the house without my purse!
I carry around a toothbrush and small toothpaste not only in case I am to stay over at a friend's house or be taken into hospital while I am out and about, but also in case when I am in a public toilet I want to brush my teeth. It also saves on buying mints/chewing gum.
I have only recently started carrying about a make-up bag with me but I absolutely love mine so how could I resist? It was £3 from Tiger (a shop in one of my local shopping centres) and if you're interested in what I keep in it you can check out my "What's in my make-up bag? blog further down).
I make sure I always carry around my spacer for my inhalers. I cannot properly take evohalers without it (this includes my blue ventolin inhaler) so it is a must for me to carry about with me).
I keep my two epi-pens, ventolin evohaler, piriton tablets and seretide evohaler in a small, clear, plastic wallet I got with a bigger one too from Poundland for £1. It is really handy to keep everything in as not only does it keep everything together but it keeps my inhalers clean and also helps keep all my medication together for easy access if I were to require it.
I carry about both my sunglasses and distance glasses within my sunglasses case I got from Primark from £2 last year. Although the case is bulky it is great only having to carry around one case with me and means that if I am out and about while it gets sunny I have my sunglasses with me.
I always used to need a pen when I didn't have one on me so now I don't have that problem anymore. I carry about this old make-up bag in which I have put: highlighters, pens, pencils, a ruler and my USB stick. It is really compact and light weight for carrying around and great for taking to University with me.
Due to being anaphylactic (severely allergic) to a lot of soaps I always ensure I have an anti-bacterial hand gel with me to use in public toilets or to clean my hands. This particular one was bought from the Body Shop and is in the scent 'satsuma'. It is also part of their 3 for £5 deal.
I personally never really use tissues as I am not the biggest fan of how they feel against my face but people tend to ask me if I have a tissue. Before I never used to but now I tend to always have some with me.
I carry around my feminine products (sanitary towels, tampons, panty liners etc.) with me in a cute little zip purse. A great tip is to get one of these little purses/bags and place a selection of products within it as sometimes you end up caught out while you are out. It is really great for if you end up with a heavier or lighter period so you have a choice for which one you can use.
A big must have within my handbag! I always carry around my Easi-Breathe inhaler. I find this a lot easier to use (as long as I am not having breathing difficulties) than my ventolin evohaler which I need to use a spacer with.
Always great to carry around a spare hair brush within your handbag. You can get them really cheaply out of places like Primark and some Poundlands. Particularly if you live in a really windy or wet climate your hair can get really out of control. Or even if you just want to put your hair up into a ponytail or bring it down if it was originally up.
I absolutely HATE with a passion hangnails or chipping a nail so this is a great thing to carry around with me. Sometimes when I get bored on the bus somewhere I will bring out my nail file and casually sit filling me nails.
Scottish summer only tends to last a day so one of these is a must have in my handbag (it's been a definite over the past few days). They are really light, compact and fit easily into handbags. You can also get them pretty cheaply out of shops so it is not at much expense to you and protects you from the rain. Definitely worth it in my opinion.
I like having a set of tweezers with me because sometimes I see a stray hair that I really want to pluck. They are also great for if you drop small things, picking them up. Also great if you happen to get any splinters when you are out and about.
The final item in my handbag is my British Heart Foundation volunteer badge. I keep it in my handbag so I know where it is at all times and I never forget it at home.