Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Special needs playscheme, dates with a boy and more :)

So I've not written a blog post since that certainly is a long period of time considering I was writing at least once a day. So nothing much has changed in the past 4 days...minus it's now the Easter holidays. I'm spending most of it helping out at a playscheme for children who have special needs :) It's great fun and it's such a rewarding thing to do, whenever people find out I do it they always say what an amazing thing it is I'm doing, making even a slight bit of difference to a child's life. Helping out at the playscheme is where I've learned that so many people are worse off than me, yet they can still smile. I see children with any range of special needs and sometimes it makes you want to cry, because you can see through they're smiles that they're suffering. You get really attached to the children, even though a lot of them can't talk or communicate with you, it still is amazing to see them smile and giggle like any other child. I've made a lot of friends through working at the playscheme, and even though we only see each other during the holiday playschemes whenever we do it, it feels like we've never been apart and we chat away about all sorts. It's such a great experience and a great thing to do and I plan to continue on doing it.

On another matter I went on a second date with a guy :) I totally forgot to write a blog about my first date with him so I guess I'll just start on second thoughts I'll start from the very beginning.

So I'd had a bit too much to drink and randomly added him on facebook because I thought he was cute...yes I do weirdo things like this but that's just me :P So he accepted and we talked the next day and he gave me his number and we talked a lot, getting to no each other. We agreed to meet up and go on a date, even if it didn't work out it would still be nice to meet each other in person. We agreed to go to the cinema to go see Side Effects, it was my choice of movie, and go for drinks beforehand. So last Monday we met up at the cinema, bought tickets and went to the pub for drinks. We never even go I.D'd...I dunno whether to take it as a compliment as it kinda means that I look 25...but anyway I've been sidetracked back to the date. So we sat in the pub for half an hour and chatted over drinks about all sorts, there was never an awkward moment which is always a good thing. Then we went to into the cinema and sat up the very back. The movie started and it was a great movie, lasted about 2 and a half hours, but well worth it. During the film I put my head on his shoulder and he took hold of my hand and held it. It gave me butterflies in my tummy and I smiled. He kissed me head and then kissed my hand...and then kissed me :) It was amazing, it made me smile a lot. So after the movie we got the same bus, but he got off before me and he went home.

Our second date was last night and it was just as if not more successful than the first one. We went to the cinema again and to the pub, this time it was Identity Theft which was his choice of I've never laughed so much in my life before, it was such a funny and great movie, I definitely recommend it :) So when I first saw him he gave me this massive cuddle. When I was in the hospital the other day he got really worried about me and scared that I was going to was cute that he was worried, not because he was worried but because it showed he cared :) Then we went to the pub and chatted again for half an hour :) I forgot to mention...he makes fun of my choice of drink...yes I ordered a cherry V.K and he's right when he says 14 year olds drink it but so who cares :P cause yolo ;) okay forget I just said that...I'm never saying that again. So anyway back to the date :) After the pub we went to the cinema and he took my hand before the movie even started this time and I put my head on his shoulder. I spent the entire moving cuddling him :) There was one point where there was a snake...and I HATE snakes so I hid haha, he smiled at me finding it funny. After the cinema we walked to the bus stop and he held my hand on the way to the bus stop. At the bus stop we waited for the bus and I was cold so he cuddled me trying to keep me warm :P the bus came and we got on and when he went to get off his kissed me goodbye :)

So we've arranged another date...which is either gonna be going out for dinner or just watching a movie at either one of our houses :) I don't know what lies ahead...after all I have only met him twice but I can say this, he makes me really happy, he makes me smile, he's lovely and he's NOT just using me for sex. I'm glad I added him on facebook :) Even if it does make me seem like a creep :P So I'll keep you all updated on the boy front but for now I've got to go do this German past paper that I spent 30 minutes just starring at...wish me luck :p

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